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Applying to Caltech 2024-2025

Application Deadlines

Applicants are required to submit their application and supporting materials online by the following deadlines:

  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics - December 1
  • Bioengineering - December 1
  • Biology - December 1
  • Computation and Neural Systems - December 1
  • Neurobiology - December 1

Once your application has been submitted, you will not be able to modify supporting documents, so please proofread your materials thoroughly before submission.

Apply Online -

Nuts and Bolts

The sections below contain some of the basic information about applying to Caltech. You can find even more details on the Caltech Graduate Office admissions webpage.

Hints and Advice

Applying to graduate school can be mystifying, since you may not know what faculty are looking for when we read your application. Here are a few tips on the types of things that we are looking for in the different parts of your application.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to questions that we often get from graduate students who are applying to Caltech.

For more information, please visit the Graduate Studies Office