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Outdoor Meeting Guidelines

Scheduling use of the Space

  • Each space will be available by reservation only.
    • The reservation must include the names of all participants.
    • Person making reservation will be the meeting "Host," may reserve a whiteboard, and will be emailed use guidelines at the time reservation is confirmed.
    • Host is responsible for pick-up and return of mobile whiteboard:
      • Alles Courtyard Mobile Whiteboard is kept in Alles 187
      • BBB North Patio Mobile Whiteboard is kept in BBB B101
      • CNRB Breezeway Mobile Whiteboard is kept in Broad
    • The Host must ensure meeting attendees are abiding by use guidelines below at all times.

Use of the Space

  • All users must use the COVID-19 reporting tool found in Access Caltech to attest they are symptom free and log the collaboration space they use.
  • All users will maintain at least 6 ft separation.
  • Maximum of 10 users in any meeting location.
  • Spaces may be equipped with chairs and whiteboard.
  • Each user must bring their own writing supplies (chalk, dry erase markers, erasers).
  • Each space will be available M-F from 8 am until 6 pm. Hours may be curtailed as sunset occurs earlier.
  • Maximum allowed reservation time per user group is 1.5 hours.
  • At least one hour must be allowed between the end of one session and the beginning of the next.
  • No eating allowed in the collaboration space. Beverages for hydration are allowed: the user should either step away, or lower the face covering for a brief sip and immediately put it back on.
  • No consumption of alcohol in the collaboration space.
  • Each user group must bring its own cleaning supplies (bleach spray, paper towels, hand sanitizer or equivalent). The Host is responsible for providing these supplies.
  • Each user group must wipe down all surfaces at the beginning and end of their allotted time (chairs and writing surfaces).
  • Each user must wear a face covering while collaborating.
  • Each user must wash hands thoroughly at the end of the session.

Reservations: Lauren Breeyear