Visitor and Visiting Associate
Visitor - Visitors are not considered to be members of the faculty. Appointments are made on a full- or part-time basis, with or without stipend. This position must not be considered a pathway to permanent employment. An appointment must be proposed by an active professorial faculty sponsor/host. The sponsor/host is responsible for making the appointee's visit to the Institute mutually beneficial and interacting with the appointee through regular on-campus meetings and communications. Appointee must clearly understand the voluntary and/or temporary nature of their Caltech affiliation and have a position elsewhere. NOTE: Appointees are not permitted to be principal investigators or co-investigators on sponsored research grants and contracts. If an international visitor requires a J1 visa, their salary must be above $48k or host will need to supplement to bring their salary up to $48k (for J1 visa purposes only).
Visiting Associate – Appointments are made on a full or part-time basis with or without stipend. Visiting Associates are required to spend at least 30 days a year or more on the Caltech campus. The sponsor is responsible for making the appointee's visit to the institute mutually beneficial and interacting with the appointee through regular on-campus meetings and communications. The appointee's credentials must be such that would qualify them for Caltech voting faculty membership (not postdoctoral scholars or visiting graduate students) The appointee must hold a faculty position or its equivalent outside Caltech, which he/she retains simultaneously with the Caltech appointment and to which he/she can return upon completion of the Caltech appointment. This appointment must not be allowed to become an independent or quasi-independent research position at Caltech. If an international visitor requires a J1 visa, their salary must be above $48k or host will need to supplement to bring their salary up to $48k (for J1 visa purposes only).